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Challenges and opportunities in the international circulation of UK films

Challenges and opportunities in the international circulation of UK films

With intensifying competition for talent and skills, significant production cost inflation and disruptive changes in the modes of consumption, the sales performance of UK independent films face complex challenges. Our panel of international sales agents and distributors discuss how UK films travel across borders. Do genre films travel more widely than arthouse, auteur-driven films? And what does ‘UK cinema’ mean to other countries? From works by internationally renowned filmmakers to breakthrough first features, the panel will delve into the cultural and economic aspects of the international circulation of UK films.

Moderator: Wendy Mitchell | Journalist and film festival consultant


Stephan De Potter | CEO Cineart

Stefano Massenzi | Head of Acquisitions Lucky Red

Sarah Mosses | CEO Together Films

Fabien Westerhoff | CEO Film Constellation