Developing new audiences: international case studies
Developing new audiences: international case studies
What do Godzilla Minus One, European arthouse films and anime have in common? Our panel of international experts discuss innovative projects and release strategies to reach new audiences. The panel look at how young film lovers are engaging with arthouse films in the ‘European Film Challenge’ project; and to what extent the relationship with fans and influencers can shape the release strategy of distributors such as Piece of Magic Entertainment. We look at new initiatives developed through the Futura Cinema incubation hub in France and the UK ‘Escapes’ project, to create and grow more inclusive and accessible cinema experiences.
Moderator: Ben Luxford | Director of UK Audiences BFI
Sarah Calderon | Director The Film Agency
Ian Cartwright | Co-founder Elevenfiftyfive
Manon Dulauroy | Distribution Director Piece of Magic Entertainment
Jérémy Zelnik | Head of strategic and financial development Futura Cinema