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Early Feature Development Funding – BFI NETWORK

The Early Feature Development Fund supports writers based in England who do not yet have the first draft of a script (or equivalent format for immersive work), to produce an initial treatment – a piece of writing that outlines the story, characters, themes and structure of the project – and related materials like a mood board or other visual content. The Fund supports long-form live-action, immersive and animation fiction projects.

You can apply with or without a producer.

Projects that are supported at treatment stage and which are completed to schedule will then be able to apply for funding for a first draft of the full feature-length screenplay, or equivalent format for immersive work.

The fund offers funding of between £3,000 and £5,000 to support writing a treatment and creating related materials, and – if you’re working with a producer – their time spent on the project.

For more information, visit the Early Development Fund page on the BFI website.