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The UK has plenty to offer producers looking for a place to shoot their film or TV production. There’s a vast range of locations to suit different projects, as well as some top class modern studio facilities. An extensive crew and technicians base is easy to access, and pricings tend towards the competitive.

To assist in funding your film, there is a substantial tax credit for films whose activities relate to the UK and that can be deemed as British. For more information on qualifying for tax relief read here.

The best place to start if you have any queries about filming in the UK is the British Film Commission (BFC). They can offer broad advice on sourcing locations, crew and talent, tax relief and UK commissions and agencies which support production.

For more information, visit the British Film Commission website.

Location and Production Services Support

If you are planning your production in the UK these organisations can offer free, tailored advice on your on studio space, locations, VFX, post-production, crew and talent.