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FLAMIN Productions – Film London

FLAMIN Productions aims to support the most exciting, innovative and challenging moving image projects with development, production finance and bespoke mentoring opportunities. The only scheme of its kind in the UK, it commissions new, important and substantial moving image artworks that are ambitious in premise and duration, with an emphasis on projects that have strong potential for national and international exhibition and distribution.

Selected through an annual open call application process, the scheme is open to mid-career artists based in London who have moving image at the core of their practice.

For more information, visit the FLAMIN Productions page on the Film London website.

Research Image for Graeme Arnfield, Zero-Gravity Resistance. Courtesy of Johnson Space Centre, NASA.

Thieves by Michelle Williams Gamaker, 2023, background image credit Mario Cruz.

Patrick Goddard, Animal Antics (2020), production photograph. Courtesy of the artist and Seventeen.