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Horizons Emerging Filmmaker Development – Ffilm Cymru

This fund is for writers or writer-producer teams who have some experience in screen but have not yet led on a feature film with a budget of over a £1 million.

Unique to BFI NETWORK Wales, the Horizons Fund identifies outstanding Wales-born or based filmmakers and offers tailored support to nurture their future films projects and/or professional development. The Fund is looking for candidates who have reached a pivotal point in their professional development and need a stepping stone to take their feature project to the next level.

Either the lead writer, producer or director on the project should be born or based in Wales. Writers or teams can apply for up to £10,000 for a specific stage of development – such as revising a treatment, script drafts, proof-of-concept or packaging costs. Individuals can apply for up to £6,000 for career development.

For more information, visit the Ffilm Cymru website.