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Sundance 2025: UK films and co-productions

Two young girls smile as they look out of an open window from a moving car

Sundance Film Festival returns to Park City from 23 January - 2 February 2025. Across scripted, documentary and shorts 15 UK films and co-productions feature in official selection.

Nadia Fall's debut feature Brides will enjoy its world premiere at Sundance 2025 in World Dramatic Competition. The film which is backed by the BFI National Lottery Filmmaking Fund and FFilm Cymru Wales follows 15-year olds Doe and Muna who flee the UK with plans of travelling to Syria in search of freedom, friendship and belonging.

Sabar Bonda (Cactus Pear), is the semi-autobiographical story of Anand, a city dweller compelled to spend a 10-day mourning period for his father in the western Indian countryside.

Also in World Dramatic competition is Sukkwan Island from Vladimir Fontenay. A co-production between France, Belgium, Norway and the UK, the film is supported by the UK Global Screen Fund.

List of UK films and co-productions in selection

World Cinema Dramatic Competition

BRIDES | Dir. Nadia Fall | Wri. Suhayla El-Bushra 
World Premiere | UK 
Supported by the BFI and Ffilm Cyrmu Wales 

SABAR BONDA (CACTUS PEARS) | Wri-dir. Rohan Parashuram Kanawade 
World Premiere | India-UK-Canada 

SUKKWAN ISLAND | Wri-dir. Vladimir de Fontenay 
World Premiere | France-Belgium-Norway-UK 
Supported by the UK Global Screen Fund 

Sabar Bonda (Cactus Pears)

A close up of a man staring off camera with a look of shock

Sukkwan Island

World Cinema Documentary Competition

THE DATING GAME | Dir-Prod. Violet Du Feng 
World Premiere | USA-UK-Norway 

KHARTOUM | Dirs. Anas Saeed, Rawia Alhag, Ibrahim Snoopy Ahmad, Timeea Mohamed Ahmed, Phil Cox 
World Premiere | Sudan-UK-Germany-Qatar
Supported by BBC Storyville

The Dating Game


ZODIAC KILLER PROJECT | Dir. Charlie Shackleton 
World Premiere | USA-UK 


RABBIT TRAP | Wri-dir. Bryn Chainey 
World Premiere | UK 

Zodiac Killer Project

Rabbit Trap


THE BALLAD OF WALLIS ISLAND | Dir. James Griffiths | Wris. Tom Basden, Tim Key 
World Premiere | UK 

THE THING WITH FEATHERS | Wri-dir. Dylan Southern 
World Premiere | UK 
Supported by the BFI and Film4 

The Thing with Feathers


ONE TO ONE: JOHN & YOKO | Dirs. Kevin Macdonald, Sam Rice-Edwards 
World Premiere | UK 


A ROUND OF APPLAUSE FOR DEATH | Wri-dir. Stephen Irwin 
World Premiere | UK 

BUNNYHOOD | Dir. Mansi Mageshwari | Wris. James Davis, Anna Moore 
World Premiere | UK 

THE EATING OF AN ORANGE | Wri-dir. May Kindred-Boothby 
World Premiere UK 

USA Premiere | UK

THE REALITY OF HOPE | Dir. Joe Hunting 
World Premiere | UK-Sweden

SWEETHEART | Dir. Luke Wintour | Wri. Alastair Curtis 
World Premiere | UK