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Working together: how to find your international partner

Working together: how to find your international partner

Film projects need a nurturing environment to thrive, and international collaborations have increasingly proved essential to attract financiers and improve projects’ competitiveness. The session explores how filmmakers can leverage their participation in international co-production forums and markets to forge sustainable partnerships and gain access and visibility beyond national borders. Our panel of filmmakers and co-production markets’ representatives share insights, success stories and strategies both in the feature and documentary sectors.

Moderator: Jo Duncombe | Senior Consultant: new talent programmes British Council


Guevara Namer | DOK Co-Pro Market Coordinator Dok Leipzig

Alessandra Pastore | Market Manager When East Meets West

Justin Pechberty | Co-founder Les Valseurs

Elhum Shakerifar | Producer and Curator Hakawati