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This page provides a snapshot of the UK's documentary sector. Browse below for an overview of funding opportunities, international festivals and events, useful links and information on working with the UK, the latest news and videos and podcasts.

Festivals & Events

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We showcase UK creative excellence to the world and encourage international engagement and collaboration with UK talent and businesses at various international industry events.

Cannes 2024

Screen UK Industry will be at the UK Pavilion in Cannes this month to celebrate UK films and co-productions in official selection, showcase our incredible talent and services, and help international professionals connect with the UK screen...


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We’re here to bring you news on the latest international-focused activity coming out of the UK's documentary sector.

Working with the UK

Resources to help you navigate the UK’s documentary sector, whether you are working with it, or within it.

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Funding & Support

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The UK offers a variety funding options for documentary projects, from a number of different funders.

Current Opportunities

From UK fund openings and calls for delegations, to international training labs and co-production markets, we bring you the latest opportunities and deadlines to be aware of.

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Videos & Podcasts

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Couldn’t be there in person? Catch-up on our industry panels, talent talks and podcasts.