Professional Development Fund - Screen Scotland
Provides support for individuals working in film and television to access training, mentoring and other professional development activity, nationally and internationally.
Provides support for individuals working in film and television to access training, mentoring and other professional development activity, nationally and internationally.
Supports pilot projects which aim to develop increased understanding of the potential of screen education, and support the provision of screen education in a variety of formal, informal and non-formal settings.
Helping the sustainable growth of Scotland’s broadcast production sector.
Supporting the distribution of Scottish feature films to reach a wide and diverse a domestic audience.
Offers development and production funding for feature length films and documentaries being made by filmmakers based in Scotland.
Supporting the professional and creative development of both emerging and established filmmaking talent, and promoting their work and Scottish filmmaking internationally.
Funding for large scale productions to film in Scotland, utilising crew, locations and facilities based there.
Supporting the arts, screen and creative industries across all parts of Scotland on behalf of everyone who lives, works or visits.
Driving the development of all aspects of Scotland’s film and TV industry, through funding and strategic support.
Formerly known as We Are UK Film.
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